Advices Radio Question Submission

To have your questions answered on Advices Radio, please submit your questions here. All questions will be anonymous. You can ask for advice on anything you like, from training, drugs, nutrition, supplementation, career building, relationships and more.

Tips for good questions:

Make sure you share any important info. Everyone is different, so to make the advice as applicable to your as possible, give a little background. For instance, if you are asking about gear, a basic history of gear use would help us understand your level of experience. The more info we have, the better we can help. That being said, make sure you are concise. If your question is 3 paragraphs long, it probably will not be used on the show.

Dan2290 / 2016-11-22 17:53
Hey guys, training question. Now would you guys suggest a program such as Foritude training for a early intermediate just coming off a cut and about to start a bulk? Lost a little bit of strength from my cut and am currently doing push pull legs full body spread out over 4 days; progressive overload used within ppl full body. But I started reading foritude training and wanted to see if it might be too advanced for an early to mid intermediate lifter, or if this would be a good program to try out for a lifter at this stage.
TampaSorbet / 2016-11-22 16:38
Please Discuss any/all clebuterol's anabolic, anti-catabolic, protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism effects?
Thank you, Sushi & Sorbet = GAINZ
John / 2016-11-22 10:46
More of a training related question , with all these training programs out y3t, mountain dog , fortitude, fst7, dog crapp , ect. Is one really better then the other or does it honestly just come down to stimulating the muscle with good form , genetics, proper nutrition and supplements.?? Thanks
Brett / 2016-11-22 08:23
Hey Scott! Love what your doing on all of your shows. It keeps me motivated + informed!

I am 7 weeks into a cycle of
Test E 600mg EW
NPP 350mg EW
EQ 600mg EW
2iu generic GH ED
Adex 0.5mg EOD
Kickstarted with 30mg dbol ED for the first 6 weeks.

MY Q is: My lower back gets INSANELY tight while training legs. It always gives out before my legs on squats + leg press. Therefore making it difficult to train hard. I even try to pre-exhaust the quads and hammies, but my back still gives out first. Forget deadlifts, they are impossible right now. Even after dropping the Dbol, my lower back tightness is on another level. I will drop the NPP soon, but what else can I do to eliminate this crazy back tightness?? It's really hindering my leg training and sometimes back as well.

I am 5'9" 210 lbs about 12% BF (abs are barely visable, some separation in quads)

My diet consists of roughly 300g P 250g C 100g F on training days. + or - a few carbs. My salt intake has been consistent and I drink 1.5gal a day of h20.
Anonymous28446 / 2016-11-22 05:30
Skips opinion on dnp, ever used or have clients use? Low dose or otherwise, also a protocol if he's used. (length, mg, stacking with other fat burners etc)
Anonymous31283 / 2016-11-20 20:20
What things do you incorporate to help people who quickly lose insulin sensitivity? I seem to gain fat no matter how slow I implement carbs. I competed and tried to expand that season to long dieting down multiple times and not really giving my body a break and to high of Clen could be some big factors as well. My basic question is what can I do to increase insulin sensitivity during this off season to try to set me up for success in the future? Would you suggest keeping calories high for a certain time period to allow metabolism to rebound before recouping and doing a bulk for a better body composition?
Anonymous24644 / 2016-11-18 14:14
Well let me start off by saying I a huge fan of all your podcasts!!! My question is Im still a newbie at a bunch of this haven't crossed over to pinning myself yet I have some Mk-677 and just got some YK-11 is there anything else I can take prohormone/SARMS/peptides wise will give me that extra boost. I'm 6'1 230lbs been training off and on for 5 years and diet is somewhat OK. Thanks
Frontloader315 / 2016-11-17 02:40
Is front loading a long ester optimal or bullshit?

Details (feel free to skip this if you read during the show)
I love the show. I just finished episode 21 and have officially listened to every episode. I dont believe it has been discussed, can you address front loading?
Everyone seems to call it bullshit but i have yet to see a legitment reason not to front load. The best i can reason is potential for sides with higher initial doeses and potentially loosing the pyramid effect of the AAS building higher levels over the first several weeks.
Im running EQ at 500mg twice a week for the first 2 weeks and then 250mg twice a week for the remainder of the cycle. The should put me very near peak levels at the end of week 2 with a little room left to build up to peak. Is it optimal or a waste? Logic suggest this would add a few more weeks at peak and yield better results.
Anonymous98351 / 2016-11-17 01:46
For mass in the offseason do you prefer to push frequency or volume more? Also what is your all time favorite mass building cycling you have ever done?
Anonymous46107 / 2016-11-17 01:37
What protective measures do you put into place to ensure health while in a blast? As in supplements, AI, prescriptions etc. and how does this compare to your cruise period?